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Welcome to Confident Motherhood

Hello beautiful mama,

I hope that by now you have been able to browse the site, and have felt the peace and inspiration from your first click, all the way to your last.

While developing in my motherhood journey, I found myself contributing, and uplifting other women along the way through encouragement and mom advice. I felt a sense of awakening within me that made me look past my needs. I was drained mentally, physically and emotionally in motherhood. Many times I felt empty, others I’d cry myself to sleep, or found myself crying while feeding my little girl. The web certainly had a lot to tell me on google. I was under the fearful postpartum road, and I was not truly aware of how to step out the exit door.

At the time, I had a small shop, and it seemed to consume me more, and more as the days passed. My happiness eventually faded from that busy phase, and my passion had turned into heartache. After conceding my feelings, my attributes and what I had to offer not only to others but to myself, I founded Confident Motherhood.

While dreaming of sharing my journey, and being able to hear the story of other women, made me feel a sense of hope. I desired more than just bringing items that would empower woman. I craved a safe place where women could talk openly, and never feel a drop of judgment touch their soul. Through this vision, I created Confident Motherhood.

Confident Motherhood is a place where I hope you feel inspired, and encouraged. A place to give back to other women what you have received. That you can experience something different and you can share with the world. I am so happy to have you here!

Share this with your friends, with family, or with a new mama you meet at the park. I can’t wait to hear your story!


Elsie Calo

Founder of Confident Motherhood

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